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Acoaxet Veterinary Clinic

Cat sitting in the grass of the woods


Our Dental Clinic

Dog with toothbrush


At Acoaxet Veterinary Clinic, we provide full service, professional veterinary dental care and oral surgery for dogs and cats in our dental clinic.  Dental disease is the most common disease identified in dogs and cats, and more than 70% of all cats and 80% of dogs over three years of age suffer with some form of dental disease.  Dental disease is preventable through proactive dental care.  Pet owners can make a big difference in the longevity and quality of life of their pets with daily dental care and professional oral hygiene assessment and treatment by our dental professionals.

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Cat brushing teeth

Dental Care (ATP)

At Acoaxet Veterinary Clinic, we recommend an annual dental exam and professional scaling and polishing by one of our professionals to maintain your pet’s healthy teeth and gums.  Your dog or cat is at risk for the same oral disease as you, and proactive dental care will have a significant positive impact on your dog or cat’s overall health, comfort and lifespan. With annual professional cleanings under anesthesia and dental treatments as needed, much of oral disease during the lifetime of your pet can be prevented. 

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Dog mechanical toothbrush

Advanced Dental Care

During your pet’s annual preventive exam, digital x-rays may identify hidden problems that may need advanced dental care beyond the preventative scaling and polishing. Dr. Schor has advanced training and the necessary skills and equipment to perform all types of advanced dental treatments. 

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White cat with toothbrush

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the tooth attachment apparatus (periodontal ligament and jaw bone), caused by toxins that are released from bacteria. It is the most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs and cats and is entirely preventable.

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Dog green toothbrush

Canine Dental Diseases

Although periodontal disease is one of the most common dental concerns with dogs, there are a number of other conditions that could impact your companion’s dental health.

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Cat with toothbrush

Feline Dental Disease

Periodontal disease is very common in cats. In addition, there are oral conditions that are more common in cats than in dogs.

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Dog brushing teeth with owner

At Home Dental Care

Home dental care for your pet’s teeth and gums is vital to the health of your pet to remove the plaque and tarter that accumulates each day.  Daily tooth brushing is by far the single most effective means of removing plaque from the visible surface of the tooth.

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Showing owner how to brush teeth

Brushing Your Pet's Teeth

Tooth brushing is the single most effective means of removing plaque from the visible surface of the tooth. When you brush your pet’s teeth, initially the goal is to make the brushing experience a positive one. To accomplish this you need to gradually introduce your finger or toothbrush into your pet’s mouth for short periods of time and give a strong reward immediately afterwards. This desensitization process must be repeated over and over again.

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